Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Health

The Benefits of Eating Healthy Food for Kids

The advantages of providing children with nutritious food The battle to get your children to eat healthily can feel like an uphill battle when they are subjected to peer pressure and commercials for junk food on television. When you factor…

How Smoking Affects Your Health

Overall Health and Life Span More sick days are taken by smokers than nonsmokers. They also have higher costs associated with health care. Tobacco users can face premium increases of up to fifty percent more than non-smokers from their insurance…

10 Cancer-fighting Foods

Incorporating one or two cancer-fighting foods into your diet is not enough to fight cancer with nutrition alone. It would be best to follow a healthy dietary pattern such as the Mediterranean diet to lead the healthiest possible lifestyle. It…

Signs of Depression in Men

One of the most common mental health issues that people experience all over the world is depression. Around 280 million people around the world are affected by the condition, and at its most severe, depression in either men or women…

12 Foods for High Blood Pressure

It appears that certain foods are good for maintaining healthy blood pressure. Take into consideration making the foods listed below a regular part of your diet. Leafy greens According to the findings of a recent study involving over 53,000 adults,…